編號 |
類別 |
中文 |
英文 |
1 |
重大政策 |
森林永續經營及產業振興計畫 |
Sustainable Forest Management and Industrial Revitalization Plan |
2 |
重大政策 |
國土生態保育綠色網絡建置計畫 |
Taiwan Ecological Network (TEN) Construction Project |
3 |
重大政策 |
林業文化資源保存與整體再發展中長程計畫 |
Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Preservation of Forestry Cultural Resources and Overall Redevelopment |
4 |
重大政策 |
國家航遙測飛機更新計畫 |
The Government Aircraft Purchasing for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
5 |
重大政策 |
瀕危物種及重要棲地生態服務給付推動方案 |
Payments for Ecosystem Services for Endangered Species and Critical Habitat Promotion Program |
6 |
重大政策 |
新興竹產業發展計畫 |
Bamboo Industry Development Program |
7 |
重大政策 |
強勢外來入侵種移除防治及復育計畫 |
Control, Removal, and Restoration Project for Aggressive Invasive Species |
8 |
重大政策 |
大阿里山軸帶百年躍升建設計畫 |
Great Alisan Historical Corridor Centennial Advancement Construction Plan |
9 |
重大政策 |
前瞻基礎建設-軌道建設:阿里山林業鐵路設施設備安全提升計畫 |
The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Railway Infrastructure: Facilities and Equipment Safety Improvent Porject on the Alishan Forest Railway |
10 |
重大政策 |
前瞻基礎建設-軌道建設:阿里山森林鐵路42 號隧道計畫 |
The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Railway Infrastructure: Tunnel No.42 Construction Project on the Alishan Forest Railway |
11 |
重大政策 |
前瞻基礎建設-水環境:縣市管河川及區域排水整體改善計畫 |
The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Water Environment Infrastructure: the Overall Improvement Plan for River Administered by County Governments and Regional Drainage |
12 |
重大政策 |
前瞻基礎建設-水環境:加強水庫集水區保育治理計畫 |
The Forward-looking Infrastructure Projects-Water Environment Infrastructure: Reservoir Catchment Conservation Implementation Plan |
13 |
法令規章 |
森林法 |
Forestry Act |
14 |
法令規章 |
森林法施行細則 |
The Enforcement Rules for the Forestry Act |
15 |
法令規章 |
野生動物保育法 |
Act on Wildlife Conservation |
16 |
法令規章 |
野生動物保育法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Wildlife Conservation Act |
17 |
法令規章 |
文化資產保存法 |
Cultural Heritage Preservation Act |
18 |
法令規章 |
文化資產保存法施行細則 |
Enforcement Rules of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act |
19 |
法令規章 |
保安林經營準則 |
Regulations for Conservation Forest Managements |
20 |
法令規章 |
國有林林產物處分規則 |
Regulations Governing Disposition Of Forest Products Of State-owned Forests |